Annotate for Tuesday 10th December

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Front page article of the first issue of the Daily Universal Register, 1st January 1785 written by the founder of the newspaper, John Walter (he changed the name of his paper to The Times three years later). 

To the Public

(transcription of first and second column of p. 21 in the brochure)

To bring out a new paper at the present day, when so many others are already established and confirmed in the public opinion, is certainly an arduous undertaking. And no one can be more fully aware of its difficulties than I am. I, nevertheless, entertain very sanguine hopes, that the nature of the plan on which this paper will be conducted, will ensure it a moderate share at least of public favour. …

It is very far from my intention to detract from the acknowledged merit of the daily papers now in existence. It is sufficient that they please the class of readers whose approbation their conductors* are ambitious to deserve. Nevertheless, it is certain some of the best, some of the most respectable, and some of the most useful members of the community, have frequently complained (and the causes of the complaints still exist) that by radical defects in the plans of the present, established papers, there were deprived of many advantages, which ought naturally to result from daily publications. Of these, some build their fame on the length and accuracy of Parliamentary reports, which unquestionably are given with great ability, and with a laudable zeal to please those, who can spare time to read ten or twelve columns of debates. Others are principally attentive to the politics of the day, and make it their study to give satisfaction to the numerous class of politicians, who, blessed with easy circumstances,* have nothing better to do, than to amuse themselves with watching the motions of ministers both at home and abroad; and endeavouring to find out the secret springs that set in motion the great machine of government in every state and empire in the world. There is one paper … which deals almost solely in advertisements; and consequently, though a very useful, it is by no means an entertaining paper. Thus it would seem that every newspaper published in London is calculated for a particular set of readers only. …A newspaper conducted on the true and natural principles of such a publication, ought to be the register of the times, and faithful recorder of every species of intelligence.* It ought not to be engrossed by* any particular object, but, like a well-covered table, it should contain something suited to every palate: observations on the dispositions of our own, and of foreign courts should be provided for the political reader; debates should be reported for the amusement or information of those who may be particularly fond of them; and a due attention should be paid to the interests of trade, which are so greatly promoted by advertisements. — A paper that should blend all these advantages, and by steering clear of extremes, hit the happy medium, has long been expected by the public. — Such it is intended, shall be the UNIVERSAL REGISTER, the great objects of which will be to facilitate the commercial intercourse between the different parts of the community, through the channel of advertisements; to record the principal occurrences of the times; and to the bridge the account of debates during the sitting of Parliament. 


*‘their conductors’ = the owners of the daily papers in question

*‘blessed with easy circumstances’ = having enough wealth to have an easy life.

*‘intelligence’ =  news

*‘it ought not to be engrossed by’ = it should not excessively focus on 

Questions on the text

  1. What kind of press landscape does the article describe and how does this new paper proposes to be different?
  2. Use your knowledge to explain how the text shows the press connecting the different aspects of 18th century politics, economics and social life.
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